Monday, March 21, 2011


Teegan is out of the Russ X Music litter (Aug. 08). I spoke with her "mom" today and my heart was filled with joy! She said things like, "She is the best dog ever!", "She loves my son", and "She is such a snuggler". Well from the pictures she takes after Ruffles love of children. She also seems to have his way of being in the world--she loves to watch TV, does his funny little Kramer stance and has her special spots! Yep add it all up and I see a great deal of Ruffles, and not a lot of Music in this one--except size!

Oh I am so pleased and am so grateful that she is loved beyond all measure!


Sherilyn said...

How cute!! :)

Jen said...

That's my baby girl:)
It's fun to see the pics of her relatives ! It's easy to find by little marks here and there or nose shape:) I just love it!

Lisa said...

Well at lease she likes cats unlike her daddy. What a cutie!