Okay picture it....Alec leaves to show the Tibetan Mastiff and leaves Bekka and I to groom ourselves and 5, yes I said 5 dogs, and get to the show ring by 12:30p. No problem right? Wrong!
First thing out of the gate Alec calls and says parking is a nightmare and we need to get there early! Crap! We went to DEF CON 5!
Bekka grabs the first dog, while I did my hair and clothes. First dog goes off without a hitch. We are grooving right? Wrong! Second dog has a big ole dippity do in her hair. Great! We fuss a bit and fix it to OK levels. Then I go to fix her face...where's the chalk stick? Crap it is in the chalk bucket, so I pull it out and blow it off. Apparently I didn't blow it off well enough, as I go white chalk dust all over her black face. Just great! Third dog no problems.
Then I set to grooming the last two while Bekka gets dressed. By the time I finish them I have enough crap on my hands and no towels anywhere. Crap! Cindy always brings the smutch towels. Yuck--no time to waste so I wipe my hands in the grass. YUCK!
So as soon as Bekka is dressed I went into bark orders mode. Poor Bekka she is running loading crates, water bottles, finding keys...well just generally throwing things in. Then I roll up the awning and water pours down on my shirt. CRAP!!!
We load dogs and ourselves and pull out. As we are leaving the campground, Bekka says "what does gate ajar mean?" Crap! The Malibu hatch is loose. I jumped out closed the gate so poor baby doesn't bounce out of the Malibu.
We made it to the show site with 2 boys and 3 girls--one of those girls is flagging everything in sight. Oh the walk to the show ring was just wonderful. Dogs weaving in front of us, pooping, peeing, and generally trying everything in the book to knock us down.
We finally make it to the ring with time to spare! YEAH!!!
Well the ring results were quite entertaining--let's see Ella gave me the paw, but took reserve. Krissy decided to eat grass instead of showing. Now on the positive side she gave the judge a good laugh. Now little Dovey gave the best show of all--she took WB, then went on to take BOW for the 4 point major cross over! Yeah for DOVEY!!!!!