Friday, July 8, 2011

Dora Does the Tidal Basin

I know, I know I am seriously late in making this post but, hey, better late than never!

Dora took her family on a cherry blossom walk and became seriously distracted by Daffy the duck. She ditched the family and jumped in the Tidal Basin in a blind attempt to herd that Daffy. Now the human family (Jim and Jill) weren't quite sure if Dora could swim so Jim jumped in for the rescue.

Ok enough said, but I suppose I should have lead off this post with a *spew alert*.


Taryn said...

That probably wasn't very funny in the moment, but as a story recounted later it sure is! I live in the DC suburbs and know that area along the tidal basin. It would never occur to me my dog might jump, especially since it is at least a couple of feet down to the water level.

Anonymous said...

Did she get a chance to swim or was the rescue attempt that quick?

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

I believe Jim jumped in immediately because they weren't sure if she could swim. She (Dora) has subsequently become a very strong swimmer!

Jill Tran said...

Hi ! I'm Dora's mom. The little devil jumped in and headed straight for the ducks. My husband went in and got her out. Dora didn't look scare at all, she got very excited and wanted to jump back in but we put her on leash. She was quite crowd pleaser since the tourists were snapping photos of the rescue. Jill