Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ruffles is Two

Well I was going to write about today was what a great training day I had, but it will have to wait for tomorrow. Why? Because when I finally sat down to read my e-mail Cindy reminded me that yesterday was Ruff Ruff's second Barkday! Oh the guilt I feel for forgetting..... But I'll suck it up and take a two year trip down memory lane.

First a great big shout out thanks to Cindy for trusting this special creature with us. From the moment he walked into the cottage living room, we knew he was going to steal our hearts, make us laugh and at times curse his name!

Just a few highlights---Let's see there was the time he escaped from the bed via the laundry basket and made his way into the Christmas wrapping room. He was so covered in tape, paper, bows and ribbons I played heck getting him untangled and then had to give him a bath to get the sticky off.

Lest we forget the 3, yes I said 3 computer keyboards he ate. Did you know it costs as much to replace a laptop keyboard as it does to buy a new laptop. Yep I had several new laptops in an 8 month period.

Well I certainly can't let this day go by without talking about his first show. I brought him but was SURE he wouldn't like showing, so I only booked a room for Friday night. Well the little bugger took Best Cardigan Puppy that day and a Puppy Herding Group 2. And I had to figure out a room for Saturday night. Saturday morning rolled around and he strutted into the show site like he was the King. The rest they say is history--4 shows--4 (four) point majors and he was a finished champion at just over 8 months old. Little bugger never wanted to get dirty again after that first show.

It wouldn't be a trip down memory lane if I didn't mention that he is very good at exacting revenge when he is mad. Let the record reflect that I try not to honk him off because the price paid is 10 fold!

On of my favorite of late is his Kramer Slide. When he wants me to notice him quick--he slides into a room just like Kramer from Seinfeld and looks at me like--"Here I am!"

And finally, the newest addition to the Ruffles personality family is Hugh Ruffner. When Bekka enters a room he only has eyes for her! According to his handler, Hugh has good taste!

Oh how I do love Mr. Ruff Ruff!

P.S. The photo was taken on Ruff Ruff's first day with us. It makes me smile everytime I look at it. My best two boys!


Sharrie said...

My female collie is two tomorrow. They are close in age. I love the sliding move. I would love to see that!

bekka13 said...

I feel so special being a part of my little Hughey Ruff-Ruff's life. He's such a gentleman when he's around me. Well, all except for when i go to put my jammies on, or when Alec is trying to make the bed and he won't get off of it. LOL :) Tell my little Ruffner his 2 legged woman says Happy belated birthday and give him birthday pets and treats for me! :)

Kodi said...

Happy Barkday Ruff!

Winjammin' said...

Happy Barkday Ruff-man!! Hope you get lots o treats and all the girls you can handle!! :o)

Two Legged Rus

Sherilyn said...

Happy Barkday Ruff Ruff! I feel so honored to have given you your first group placement! :) Hope that was the first of many more!

Love ya big guy!
Aunt Sherilyn