Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This morning I let the Cardis out this morning, and almost immediately noticed 3 eagles (2 adult and 1 immature) swooping the yard. I went to DEF CON 4 immediately. I called "Cardi Corgi Kids Come!" They immediately headed for me.

I opened the garage door and they headed in. I thought it was possible that the eagle flight was a fluke so I waited a few minutes and then went back outside to scope out eagles. Seeing none, I let the Cardi back outside.

They headed out and engaged in a full bark chorus. Within 30 seconds, I had 4 adult eagles flying and swooping the yard. CRAP!!! I bellowed, "Cardi Corgi Kids Come!" Gratefully they did and they immediately went into the garage.

So for the foreseeable future (March 2010), we are under eagle watch and recall boot camp.

1 comment:

Sharrie said...

Wow, that is scary because I am too close to you. I haven't seen eagles at our house, but I have seen them in the area. Keep the kids safe!!!