Thursday, April 2, 2009

Water Play

The whole house was quiet--a very rare occassion at the Gibson Ranch when I hear Ella start barking like a maniac.  My first thought was, "What the Heck?," while my feet were taking me in the direction of the barking.

As soon as I rounded the corner to the kitchen I saw immediately what the distress was...  Shaker was pelting her with water from the kitchen bowl.  Yes he was splashing her with as much water as he could,  and if you have seen the size of his paws he can move a lot of water quickly.  She was soaked as was the floor.  

Oh I seriously have to get that boy a wading pool and soon!

1 comment:

Sharrie said...

I bought the pool. The German shepherd, cocker spaniel before them and now two rough collies just stand and look at it and maybe take a drink. Sure wish I had a water dog like you do.