Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hi everyone it is me Ella (aka Ella Bella).  Mom thought I was going to be a quiet one, but seriously she named me after Ella Fitzgerald.  How did she think I would be quiet one after a name like that?

Just so you all know I am going to be the top dog soon.  I have learned how to make Shaker put his head down by just looking at him.  I am well on my way to making Ruff Ruff my servant, but Music she is a harder sell.  Yesterday we had a stare down contest and then Music snarled at me.  Mom said I had it coming but she doesn't understand that I am working on my top dog status.  (Moms  can be soooooo stupid.)

Oh also, I completed my puppy education with flying colors.  I only had to take puppy education one time not like someone else in my house!  I got a really cool toy for graduation and Mom got poop bags. 

And I love to play in water.  I don't care if it is a water bowl, pond or swimming pool.  If it has water in it I in!  Mom is always saying, "Ella, How did you get so dirty?"  "Duh Mom I was in the water and then rolled in the dirt."  Moms are really stupid.

Mom also says that I am greased lightening so she is working on a "wait" command with me.  Ha I totally ignore her and wiz right between her legs unless the obedience instructor is watching.  Then I do it right every time.  Like I said, Moms are sooooooo stupid!


Liz said...

Well Ella, I know you think your Mom's are stupid but as you grow older you will notice that your Mom's will become wiser.

Cuz Liz

Kodi said...

Hi Ella - good job on your graduation. Mine is in another week of sleeps. I likes water too. Mom hasn't said anything yet, but she gots me a baby pool. I seen it in the garage! Mud is fun, isn't it?

Ella said...


How goes it? Mom filled our swimming pools today and the hose leaked a little and it made a mud puddle. I dug a big hole while Mom wasn't looking. I had a blast and am covered in mud!
