Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cardi Cabin Fever

Can a Corgi get cabin fever? I'm here to tell you--Yes!

We've had a lot of snow in the last few days so Russ' conformation classes and obedience classes were all cancelled this week. We told him he was getting some snow days, but let me be clear about Russ and snow days. They don't mix!

It all began yesterday, when he decided that anytime I moved was reason enough to try to herd me by nipping at my heels and biting my calves. I tried to engage him with toys--no go. I tried to work with him on obedience--sit and wait. We had moderate success but no enthusiasm. We tried playing outside, but the snow was too deep and he had to hop in order to move. So he was over the snow too.

Today was even worse. He was driving everyone nuts with his barking, thieving, chewing, and disobedience. Just a few highlights--he destroyed my eyeglasses, dragged fire place wood all over the house, pulled every one of his toys from basket and deposited them in the kitchen. At nearly my wits end, I reached out for advice from his breeder and she diagnosised cabin fever. She said new challenging toys were needed. Great a cure was just ahead.

So Russ got dressed in his Hawkeye collar and lead on and off to PetsMart. He eagerly danced his way into the store, and wound for sound was an understatement. He was jumping, barking, dancing and generally creating chaos in his wake. So I said to myself clearly just a trip to PetsMart was not going to be enough stimulation.

So believe it or not I took him to my hair appointment! My dear stylist welcomed him with open arms and he was an angel. He quietly laid at my feet while I had my hair done. Amazing, could this be the same devilish dog that terrorized our home just a few hours ago.

So with this success under our belts, I called my son's high school to see if we could make a visit toward the end of the school day. He pranced into the school like he owned the place. And then his true talent and spirit began to shine as a classroom full of special children approached him. He let each hold his leash, walk him, pet his ears, and rub his belly. He was gentle, loving and engaging from start to finish.

I am pleased to report that my Corgi isn't crazy, and our plans to work with him to become a certified therapy dog are still intact. But most importantly, I will never let my little buddy get bored again.

As I write he is watching the Eukanuba National Championship dog show. I think he is eagerly awaiting the herding group! Oh my what's next?

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