Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cole Haan Shoes--Corgied!

Hey all you kids out in Internet land--Are you thinking about a puppy? You know those cute furry creatures that can do no wrong. Yep I know all about the little buggers--I have two with one on the way. Might I suggest you review my blog for all the items that have officially been Corgied before giving into that impulse and bringing that cute furry creature into your home.

You might be wondering what has my dander up this morning? Well my Russ Russ aka Ruff Ruff will be 11 months in just a few short days, and I caught him chewing my best pair of Cole Haan summer shoes this morning. Oh it just couldn't be my ancient pair of sneakers or even the new pair of cheap land's end slides--Oh No it had to be the Cole Haan shoes!

Just for the record, while I have dogs I will never indulge in another pair. Hmmmm guess that means I slid my happy feet into the last pair!

Just another day and another laugh with my buddy Russ.


Anonymous said...

I just had to laugh out loud at the tile of your post today. Too funny! While I'm sure it wasn't funny for you, it gave me a chuckle. Laura M.

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the title! My little Russ is a real shoe hound. Kim

Gina said...

It seems that your dog is a Cole Haan shoes eater. Well, my dog is doing the same thing. He love to chew shoes.