Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Things I don't Get

Russ here.

It's been a while since I have been able to wrestle the computer away from my Mom so I have a lot to say.

First, the river I live on has calmed down but Mom still says "No Russ." She said she is going to buy me a wading pool, but has she gotten to it yet? No! I don't get it. Where are her priorities?

Second, it has been raining a lot so there are great mud puddles, but Mom says, "No Russ." Can you even believe it?

Third, she took another Cardigan to a dog show, and didn't let me show. I was so mad that I stole a whole bag of dog treats. Mom caught me though and said--you guessed it--"No Russ."

Fourth, we are taking this Rally class together and it's all work, work, work. I am a guy who likes to have a little fun--so if Mom loses her focus I take advantage. Mom has really learned to stay focused.

Fifth, Mom says we have a new puppy coming in 3 months and that I am going to have to be better at sharing her attention. Ha!

Sixth, Mom got new glasses because I Corgied the old ones. She has been really good about putting them in the case, but I am a patient puppy. Today I noticed that she left them on her book when she went to pick up the baby. I got 'em, but she caught me before I could corgi 'em good.

Oops here comes Mom and she doesn't think much of me drooling on her computer.

Russ out!


Sherilyn said...

Don't worry, Russ...Boo doesn't like to share attention, and he has 5 others to share with! Just tell your Mom that as long as you have "quality time" to cuddle and play, you'll be happy! That's how Uncle Boo handles it! He gets to sleep with Uncle Rus and I at night, so he knows he rules the roost! Work on your Mom to let you do that. hehe ;)

Hope to see you soon!

Aunt Sherilyn

Anonymous said...

5 others to share with...poor Boo! I do sleep with my Mom but she also lets Music sleep in bed. We took up so much room that Mom Kathy sleeps on the futon most nights. I am trying to convince her to play football with me some more and buy me that darn wadding pool. She just needs to get her priorities straight--me first!