I showed Music for the first time time this weekend and it went very well. But trust me Russ did not think much of being left behind in the RV.
After Saturday's show, I went straight back to base camp so that I could spend some quality time with Russ. After he got through telling me off, we went to an open field to have some fun and games. He would play a while and then turn around, jump up and try to tear the shirt off my back. He finally got over it, but it was not without a lot of effort!
Early Sunday morning we broke camp and headed to the next show 60 miles away. We showed, broke camp again and headed home. As soon as the dogs were released from captivity Russ began a series of Cardi laps around the cottage. We decided he had been crated far too long. I tried playing some ball with him but again he is a little put out with me so that didn't last long.
And as I write he is playing a game of keep away with big dog Sara. Today's version involves a grooming brush and Russ is running circles around Sara. Sara stands in one place and tries to take the brush when Russ scoots by...so far Russ is well ahead in points!
Just another day and another big laugh with my buddy Russ.
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