Friday, October 10, 2008

Giant Brindle Cardigan

An the winner of the Shaker weight contest is..... Sherilyn!

Once upon a time I went to the animal shelter to find a playmate for my beloved border collie Tippy. The kind and generous shelter workers said they had just the dog for me and lead me to a 2 yr old 40lb border collie mix named Sara. I played with her for a while and then introduced her to Tippy. All went well and I said "great I would love to add this dog to my forever family."

Well, 6 months later she was 90lbs and twice as tall. My full grown border collie mix was a puppy! The joke went that only I could go to the shelter and bring home Clifford the Big Red Dog.

Fast forward 14 yrs, and let me tell you about a trip to Camp Cindy. It was a gorgeous day when we went to pick up the cutest bundle of brindle fur you ever wanted to see (except of course for Russ). Yes indeed my Shaker baby is delightful, full of fun, quick to learn and generally a bundle of love.

And he is a giant puppy! Yes, at 4 months of age he checks in at 22.12lbs. He out weighs Music already and is quickly gaining on Russell. So folks I have done it again...gone and brought home Clifford. (But seriously isn't he a doll!)


Anonymous said...

From an untrained eye, Shaker has the best facial markings I've ever seen. He is a true doll. Trekker was just weighed at 7 months and is 23 lb. Are the rest "Cliffords" or just Shaker?

Cindy said...

I swear, seriously swear, I have no idea where the size is coming from! Guess it's time I weight the other kids?

I think he's just making for the skinny Musey and Picky Russ. And I am praying daily that he doesn't turn into his Uncle Moose(which I know where his size came from)

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...


Russ is Mr. Picky Pants and I just got his weight back up to normal--32lbs, and Ms. Musey refuses to put any weight on her girlish figure--she remains at 21 lbs no matter what I do. So the answer is "I have one Clifford and 2 difficult eaters!"


Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Yep, I would say it is definitely time to weight the crew. But my money is on Shaker beating the whole crew for size!

Winjammin' said...

I would have to say that no one is going to top Shaker out fo the litter, except maybe Harry, depending on how he's growing up. Like Sherilyn said in a previous post, Bear is about 2-3 lbs behind Shaker, but not for lack of trying!! I think he's already passed Chunky Monkey...