Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It has been quite a day. First Russ and Music were playing and somehow Music ended up in the cat litter. Russ isn't talking. Then she rolled in the wet grass, so I spent a good part of the morning combing concrete out of her fur.

Russ was pretty wound up so we went on a 3 mile walk. He chased some geese into the river, and fortunately I had a good hold on him or he would have followed them in.

Then we are almost home and Music was wrapped up in her leash. I bent over to help her and Russ noticed a fella hitting golf balls. I was focused on Music and missed the golfer so when Russ bolted for the balls, he broke my hold and was loose. He charged the poor fella who was needless to say startled by the whole affair and dropped his club. Russ thought it was a great game and picked up the club and headed for the golf ball. So here is my buddy Russ prancing around the yard with a golf club!

Mind you we are talking seconds here for this scene to play out. I recover and bellow drop it--gratefully he does and stop--gratefully he does that too. I apologize to this unsuspecting golfer and retrieve my Cardi.

Mr. Golfer was a good sport but I think he'll be watching for us from now on.

Just another day and another laugh with my buddy Russ.


Anonymous said...

This one needs a spew alert on the top.

I give, Russ wins. Poor golfer.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how Music came to live at your house. Joy