Thursday, January 8, 2009

Clean Sheet Night

Everyone loves clean sheet night but for different reasons. We love the crispness of the sheets, and the Cardis well..... Here's how it played out--I stripped beds and tossed laundry into the hallway and then proceeded to vacuum and mop the wood floors.

When I headed out to change the laundry in the machine, I found that my resourceful Cardis had split the take and were hanging out in the dirty laundry! So there you have it apparently they are very happy nestled in anything that smells like us.

1 comment:

Sherilyn said...

Oh, yes, they do love the laundry! It's funny...when I bring the fresh laundry upstairs to our room and fold the clothes on the bed, if the doggy stairs to the bed are not put up, I have lots of "help" folding clothes! Dreamy and Ruby LOVE to roll in the clean clothes! Must be the fabric softner! LOL