Thursday, July 10, 2008

Evil Must Be Lurking

Russ has decided that in addition to being a football star that he is also a first class watch dog. He kept the RV safe from all manner of evil lurking in the bushes.

He kept us safe from young children on bikes and trikes, middle-aged couples, birds, and dogs. We finally had to break the news to him that he needed better profiling tools, but he assured us wolves sometimes came in sheep's clothing.

1 comment:

Sherilyn said...

That's ok, Russ...Step-Dad Boo keeps US safe from those evil squinties, rabbits and squirrels! You just never know when they might get us, so I always feel safe when he's around! You just keep protecting your humans! You're only showing how much you love them, and appreciate the great home they have provided for you. :)

Aunt Sherilyn