Monday, November 24, 2008

Are You My Mother?

Music was at Camp Cindy's when I picked up Shaker Baby. So for the first few weeks with us Shaker B. was surrounded by boys--rough and tumble boys (aka Russ, Moose and Grandpa Fred). So when we picked up Music, he immediately latched on to her. Her response, "I thought we were leaving the puppies at Camp Cindy."

So there relationship is interesting at best. He approaches her submissively--head bent and submissive kissing, and if the mood is right she won't take his face off.

When she really has had enough of the puppy, she retreats to her crate in the bedroom. However, Shaker Baby has decided to follow her into the crate. Believe you me this really rips her hide. If she can't force him out of the crate, then she gets in another one. (I swear she wants some kind of a rope pull so she can close the door behind her.)

But on this day, I guess she decided that if you can't beat 'em join 'em.

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