Friday, November 21, 2008

Multiple Dogs on Flexis

Sara and Russ in the Ozark Mountains. Sara 10 yrs old and Russ 8 weeks old.

Solstice Kennels in Texas left a comment this morning that not only made me laugh but brought back a gruesome memory. Thanks on both counts to Solstice Kennels!

First the comment that nearly made me spew my morning coffee. "I've always said that multi dog walking is a sport and multi flexi walking should be an Olympic sport." So to the Olympic sport of multi flexi dog walking, I vote yes. And here's why this girl will never compete.

We must leave the world of Cardigans and walk back in time to my Border Collie days for this story. I had a wonderful well behaved border collie named Tippy, and I enjoyed her so much that about 7 yrs in to the experience I got another supposed Border Collie Mix named Sara. Sara turned out to not be a Border Mix, and ultimately was a 100lb brute that should never have carried the soft and lovely name of Sara, but I digress.

So here's how the gruesome tale unfolds--I am walking the lovely bike bath with my two dogs, oh I should add that I had shorts on, when dear dear Sara bolted right-- probably a rabbit--and came to the end of her flexi and about took my shoulder out, but I held on. I called her back to heel, and with the same bolt speed she came around to heel again. Great right? Not so much, I was holding the flexi in my left hand and she came around so fast I could get the flexi over my head quickly enough and the cord caught me right behind the knees. Now if you have ever been caught at warp speed by a retracting flexi cord, you know the outcome, but for the rest of you kind folks--the backs of my knees were laid wide open and raw!

I limped home, and tossed the flexis. So this my friends is why I will be a spectator should multi flexi dog walking ever becomes an Olympic sport!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See you would have gotten alot of points for difficulty in Olympic flexi dog walking. Of course I don't think bleeding would win a medal.