Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh My What Have We Done?

Cyber buddies meet Ella...


Sherilyn said...

Did you add another potato chip?

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Who us? HeHeHE

Sherilyn said...

hehehe Very cute! :) Can't wait to meet her!!

Cindy said...

We should have called her Ruffles not Ella ;0)

Sherilyn said...


Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

ROFL--yep Ruffles is pretty accurate too! Haven't told Mom yet!

Sherilyn said...

LOL I warned you...believe me yet? :)

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Oh Sherilyn I believed you at 2! LOL

Sherilyn said...


Hmmmmmm...I wonder if they have a support group for Corgiaholics Anonymous? I know of several of us that qualify.

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Yes I know a bunch of us who qualify....wish it were as easy as Just say NO! LOL

coopercreek said...

Oh, she's soooo cute. More, more!!

Joy said...

How exciting! Now Music can have an ally.

manymuddypaws said...

cutie!!!!! more pics please!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...


solstice kennels said...

The pitter patter of little feet!

Kodi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kodi said...

This little girl looks really familiar - did you get her from Connie Whan? If so, I have her littermate (brother).

(another Iowa gal & RVer)

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Simpson Web MD--Yes she is one of Connie's dogs. Which one do you have?

Glad to know another RVer is out there!


Kodi said...

Just saw your reply. I have one of the blue fluffy boys. His name is Davenitch Kodiak Sky - Kodi. I am in the process of setting up a blog for him at (hence the name change on my blog comment) Should have lots of pics soon - including ones of the 4 wk old pups that Ella will be in.