Monday, February 16, 2009

What Is It?

I was merrily vacuuming today--okay I am lying about the merrily part--but anyway I looked just ahead of myself and saw this thing. I looked at and my first thought was who ate what? But upon closer inspection I realized that "it" wasn't going to involve wads of paper towels and a scrub bucket.

So I thought "Oh this could be a fun guessing game!" So here goes folks--"What is it?" Only hint--Shaker did it!

Oh I must have a prize to go with it....hmmmmmm I know--To the first right guess I'll have a fresh copy of Control Unleashed shipped straight to you! Yeah that's how much I think everyone should own this book!


Cindy said...

Looks an awful lot like the skin off a tennis ball ;0)

Sherilyn said...

Yup, I'd have to agree with Cindy....looks like the inside of one of those Hartz balls I gave you. Yummmmm! LOL

manymuddypaws said...

i was going to say the same thing...most definitely a skinned tennis ball! :o)

Dawn said...

Looks like several of us have seen something in our own homes to recognize. Laughing. Although Magic goes further and after skinning his prize he rips the skin into a million pieces too. Way to kill those toys big guy.