Saturday before the first snow fall, we were scurrying around trying to finish up the last of the outside chores. (Memo to self--start earlier next year) So I am busily trying to get the deck mopped before tarping all the outside furniture. I don't know what we were thinking but we let the Cardi Kids out to be with us.
Now we all know Russ is a pain when I am trying to use a broom, mop, well anything with a pole that moves, and up until now Shaker Baby has just come along for the ride. He barks and carries on but had not put all the pieces together...well that was until Saturday.
Russ always goes for whatever is at the end of the pole--diving, biting, and generally making it difficult to move about the task at hand. Something turned on in Shaker Baby's head on Saturday and he was determined to get me to move where he wanted me to move. Being the stubborn Mom that I am I just went about my merry mopping business. That's when Shaker jumped up and grabbed the seat of my jeans. I yelped and bellowed NO!
But alas now he knew that he had me and by grabbing me by the seat he could get me to jump and turn in the direction of his choice. Well I wasn't going to have any of that so I flipped him on his back where upon he went all puppy goo on me. Yesh! He won a one way ticket into the house.
ROFL!!! Talk about priceless!!!! Where was Kathy with the video camera of that one?!?!
Thank goodness Shaker's brother hasn't figured that one out!! I will say that if he tried that at an instinct test, he'd certainly get style points for nipping at sheep butts...
Oh, that was a laugh out loud entery.
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