Monday, August 25, 2008

The Acorn Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

It's official the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. Check out Grandpa Fred and his two grandsons Russ and Shaker.


Anonymous said...

Pretty scary...although Shaker does get it from both sides of the family...daddy Boo does the same thing, and Bear has been doing this since day one at our house. Can't figure out how the tailless wonder fits in to this tho, as he ALSO does it...

Anonymous said...

I think that the chunky monkey was a cardigan in his former life. He upset the gods by peeing down their air registers and they demoted him to a pembroke ;0)

Anonymous said...

ROFL!! Yeah, but I can think of worse demotions....a TOY breed!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my that is just too funny--pems as demoted Cardigans. I'm thinking of a t-shirt!

Anonymous said...

Well he better watch out--if he keeps this up, he will be demoted to a, oh, brussels in his next life?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that would about cover it, with the way he is going right now...Death Wish Dog is very appropriate...oh wait....that's Bear too!! LOL