Monday, August 11, 2008

The First Night

We take the whole gang out at 11pm, hoping that we can make it to 5am with maybe one up in the middle of the night. Who was I kidding?

Shaker slept for a couple of hours, and asked to go out at about 1:30am, then again at 3:45, 5:11, and 6:30. The 5:11 am wake up call occurred when he launched himself off the bed. I awoke to a thud and pitter patter of puppy feet heading toward the kitchen. Oh my! The 6:30 wake up call occurred from the confines of his crate at the foot of the bed!

At this point I am so tired I can hardly hold my head off the pillow. I stashed Shaker back in his crate, and crawled back into bed begging for just a little sleep.

At 7:15, I sense impending doom and open my eyes to see Moose launching himself onto the bed except the crate is squarely in the middle of his path. Sure enough Moose lands on the crate, skids and at the last second does a direction correction so he doesn't skid off the edge and lands on the bed. Imagine that the puppy was awake again. No need to suppress the laugh now.


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of puppydom!! Oh wait...we're still there with the bunny butt. Maybe I need to start a blog for Ransom and Bear and their escapades...We just may need padded walls!!!

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

I tell you what--one puppy at a time is enough for these middle aged bones! Good luck and write from the asylum.

Unknown said...

Ok, I'm worried now! We pick up Harry (Shaker's brother) this weekend. Ut oh!


Sherilyn said...

Don't start worrying yet, Elizabeth...wait until you have 3 or more of these guys! ;) Like I told Kim last year..."Corgis are like potato chips, you can't have just one!"

Have fun and enjoy Harry! He's a sweetheart!!


Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Elizabeth--the second night was much better. He slept until 5:30 am! Yeah!!!