Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Great Corgi Swap

The Great Corgi Swap has occurred. Music has gone to Camp Cindy while she is in season, and Uncle Moose and Grandpa Fred have come to the Gibson Ranch for vacation and play.

First, I went to say see ya soon to Music who was all together too busy playing at Cindy's to be bothered with me, so off we went the 2 boys and I.

A couple of memos to self about riding with the boys: 1) Grandpa rides in a crate and Russ' whine sounds just like Grandpa's; 2) Remove anything long and stringy because Moose will have it in his mouth--phone charger and leash. 3) Moose doesn't like Jimmy Buffet. (I was singing along to a bunch of great music when Jimmy Buffet's "Come Monday" came on--Moose cocked his head and let out a howl!)

Next, Russ sends a big sloppy wet kiss to Aunt Cindy for sending him some friends. His tail has been in constant propeller mode since we got home.

Russ now has someone namely Uncle Moose with whom to play "keep away." This was his favorite game with Sara, and Uncle Moose knew just how to play. The pictures are from the first game played with a bone. Please note the one where Uncle Moose is standing on his head--this was snapped just a split second before he did a sommersault. (I laughed until my ribs hurt!)


Anonymous said...

Well, Ms Music has decided in her next life she wants to be a collie. Lace, Click and Music spent an enormous amount of time playing tag this morning and all came in tongues dragging, wet to the bone and very happy. Did you know Music bounces like a bunny? Very funny to watch.

Hope the boys don't cause too much trouble. Moose can be a handful-40 lbs of puppy brain and you'll be amazed at what he drags out next. Even if you thought you had the cottage Moose proofed, he'll find something to surprise you.

Can't wait for more adventures from their vacation!

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Bounces like a bunny does she? Now that is one I have to see! I am so glad she is happy!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Moose doesn't like Jimmy Buffett, unless he was singing along?? We played it all the way to Nationals this year, and he didn't make a peep, although word has it that he had cocked his head and was listening very intently...

Sherilyn said...

Maybe it was Kim's singing that set him off?? ;) hehe

Anonymous said...

Indeed it could have been my singing--probably the part where Jimmy B goes into falsetto! Even too high for me!