Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cardi Out Smarts Maid

First--my housekeeper titled this post.

Tues is house cleaning day and it is always good for a laugh or two, but today takes the prize. As I have noted earlier, Russ hates vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, and Spot Bots. So today, when my house keeper plugged in the vacuum cleaner, Russ came zinging around the corner, grabbed the cord and took off. Imagine her surprise when the vacuum cleaner didn't work, but she immediately recognized the culprit. ROSARIO was the only word spoken.

Later in the morning, Russ and I went out for a business session. Now Russ has a weather resistant coat, so staying outside for long periods of time in the pouring rain is no problem for him. (Please note I do not have a weather resistant coat, but does he care? No!) Any way while we were outside, the housekeeper thinking she could out smart Russ scrubbed underneath the kitchen table. So when we came in Russ did his usual demented wet dog run through the house including the kitchen. My housekeeper announces with glee that she out smarted Russ by cleaning under the table first. Russ immediately comes flying into the kitchen and slides side ways under the kitchen table! Wet streaks galore. ROSARIO was the only word spoken.

Just another day and another laugh with my buddy Russ.

PS The pictures are a classic example of his weather resistant coat--he is soaked and you can't tell!

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