Thursday, March 13, 2008

Be Wery Wery Quiet, I'm Hunting Cats

Russ takes his job of keeping the world safe from cats very seriously. He herds, chases and generally creates havoc in their lives. We decided early on that the cats were very young and as long as he wasn't being aggressive we would let the situation resolve itself. Well it has--the cat pecking order has been turned upside down with Skitch the mild mannered lover boy becoming top cat. He will take no crap from the Corgi! Here's how it unfolded today...

Russ took up his usual watchful spot at the head of the stairs by the baby gate. (Basement is the cat refuge and Corgi free zone.) This way he can be assured that he is poised and ready for any cat activity. Well Skitch was not having any of it and charges through the gate like a feline possessed and lands right on top of Russ. Russ bid a hasty retreat complete with a Corgi "kiyi". (Note the tip of Russ' tail as he runs from my used to be mild mannered kitty Skitch)

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