Monday, March 17, 2008

Wallet Thief

Okay three posts in one day may seem excessive but it has been quite a day of Corgi Capers.

After having the baby all day, I made a mad dash to the grocery for some quick pasta primavera supplies. A hour later we are all sitting down for a nice quiet family dinner when I heard a strange rustling noise. I said, "What was that?" Kathy replied, "It can't be Russ he is right under my feet." I looked under the table and all I saw was Sara. (Check out the blog picture of Sara and Russ--hard to mistake the two). I knew immediately that Russ was up to something and set out to find out what. I quickly found him chewing money he had scammed from my wallet which by the way was sitting half way up the stairs. (Fortunately the camera was sitting on the coffee table right next to where he was disposing of my money!) My driver's license and credit cards were untouched, all he did was dog slime a few single dollar bills.

Can you spell jealous? Another day, another laugh with my Cardi buddy Russ.

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