Saturday, March 29, 2008

Top Cat

Russ came home from the show today and was well--we could probably characterize it as a little full of himself.

A nap was our first priority after taking Sara out for a quick business run, and, of course, Russ always enjoys a good afternoon nap with Mom. Except he decided to take his portion of the bed right out of the middle--laying fully extended perpendicular to the headboard. I slept like a pretzel, and woke up freezing. Now why was I so cold you might ask, because Russ had taken all my blankets and bunched them up underneath himself. He certainly looked comfortable.

After our nap, he wanted a romp in the yard. He charged this way and that for quite some time and then announced he was ready to go inside. Then he pelted one of his new toys--I can't for the life of me figure out the pelting of toys by a herding dog, but my border collie did it too.

Topping the evening off, I heard Kathy call to get the cats off the stairs so she could bring laundry down. Then I heard her say, "oh that's the reason for the log jam". Russ was camped out at the bottom of the stairs lying in wait for Skitch and Stubby. Trust me in these situations, no cat in his right mind is going to make a run for it. However, Skitch being Skitch he wasn't going to back down either, consequently the log jam. So I moved the majorly put out Corgi back to give the cats some navigation room, but, of course, Skitch decided to take a few pot shots at Russ before heading out. With as many jabs as Russ has received from that cat, I thank all that is right everyday that Skitch doesn't have any claws or Russ' face would be shredded.

So at the end of the day, Russ was put back in his place by an orange and white 9lb cat!

Just another day, and another laugh with my buddy Russ.

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